The permanent staff here includes two families and one female member. They will be supervising the Facilitators as we work with Youth Leaders and Pastors scheduled to be here. The facility can hold over 200 people and is shared by AIM’s Bible College, where local people come to study missions.

Please pray for us as we start receiving groups and working on projects. I would love prayer as I start facilitating groups. That God would give me a mind to understand all the logistics and compassion as I work with various groups of kids.
I love you all very much, and I promise my blogs will get more exciting as things start happening!
Love, emily
Hola Emily!
?Como esta? Ok, that’s all I can come up with in Spanish.
We are excited for you to be a group leader this summer and just know God has some wonderful experiences in store for you. We will pray for you and those who come to learn.
Can’t wait for the stories to begin!
Love you,
A. Sharon & U. Jim
Hi Emily! So happy to get your update. We will be praying for you, and know that God has exciting things for you to do in Mexico! Love you lots. A Sharon and U Wayne
Hi Emily,,,,just got your update…thanks for sending it along. We will be praying for you this summer as you head up the teams…we are very proud of you. Love and prayers Grandma and Grandpa Van Dyke
Wow Em!! Mexico?! thats awesome!! i hope you are a great help and a blessing there! have fun be safe and learn as much as you can! be blessed! Angelo Padin
I love you, miss you and praise God for you everyday. Go get ’em woman!
i saw you said over looking fields of okra… bring me home pickled okra please?