Hello everyone,
Well, as life takes every unexpected turn I tend to follow along. This turn has lead me to Galveston Texas where myself and two other project leaders are facilitating groups in hurricane relief. This town is very cut off from most civilization. To give you an idea of how far out we are, we as leadership went to buy groceries the day before our groups arrived. What was estimated as an hour long trip became an entire day long event. It started in the two hour long ride to get to the public ferry. A thirty minute ferry ride, and traffic for a few hours to boot. The process was then repeated returning.

This week we have had over 50 volunteers praying, building and tearing down for Jesus. They are incredible groups that have worked so hard. I am hoping to post more pictures and information at a later time. The work here is overwhelming, the mosquitoes are the size of my thumb and I had my first encounter with an armadillo last night!!!
